Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Spontaneity" is the Word of the Day!!!

Off to the store in Angelo's convertible

We'll be back in a jiffy

Grillin' the summer squash and mushrooms

Playing "pat your head, rub your tummy."

"I think I've got it."

The "shrooms" are fab!

Neighbor Brittany

Neighbor Randy (Brittany's dad)

Neighbor Pam (Brittany's mom)

Spontaneity is the word of the day around here. All we need is a nice evening, a trip to the store, 3 minutes of planning, and we have an evening picnic in the driveway with good friends and neighbors.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Congratulations Mui & Portia!!!

Mui, Portia, Brycie, Clare & Jim at Portia's school

Portia and Mui - look how this precious mother adores her beautiful daughter!

Mui & Brycie - instant sisters

We have just learned that our dear friend Mui and her daughter Portia were featured in the March 13, 2009, Wall Street Journal. It is a touching article about a single mother's adoption of a baby girl. We would urge all of our friends and family who have been faithfully following our blog to read this article at We feel so fortunate that Amy Eldridge of Love Without Boundaries assisted us in connecting with Mui when we were in Shantou visiting Clare's orphanage.

Mui and Portia, we love you!!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Clare's Buddy, Angelo

Sandra and Angelo stopped by last night. The last time we saw Angelo's jeans, they had a big hole in the knee. He explained that while he was putting them on his toe got stuck turning this one pant leg into shorts. Obviously, he couldn't leave it this way, so he had Clare help him make a pair of shorts! Clare loves Angelo!!

"We need to cut right here."

"Angelo, you get it started."

"Okay, I'll help."

"All done!"

"Makes a good hat, huh?!!"

"We can even make 2 hats!"

"Angelo, can you do this?"

"And this?"