Sunday, November 23, 2008


This weekend was a weekend of "firsts." We were astonished when we got Clare a coke in a cup with ice. She had never seen or tasted "ice." She had her first taco from Taco Bell and her first milkshake from Braums. She wore her first dress to Mass this morning with her first tights. This was her first Mass. She loved her first french fry and was crazy about her first taste of ketchup. Looks like we've kinda been eating out this weekend. No food in the fridge after two weeks away. And, today after we got home from Mass, we walked by Clare's bedroom and saw that she had made her bed. Now that has probably got to be some kind of "first."

1 comment:

Shyla said...

Talk about sensory overload. What an amazing list of first. I'm glad everyone is home healthy and happy!