Friday, November 14, 2008

Visit to the Jade Store

After we left the Six Banyan Trees Temple, our guide, Veronica, took us to the government jade store. You can only be assured of genuine jade from the government stores. Jade purchased from the street venders is probably fake, or at least very poor quality jade. Jade is a living stone that darkens and becomes more translucent as it ages. At the jade store we watched some of the artisans handpainting the porcelain dishes. Another fun day in Guangzhou with Clare.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Good morning Brycie, Jim & Clare,

I sure enjoy all the pictures you send and I appreciate the work you have done to post them.

I got some Jade from Aunt Pearl, a Jade ring and another loose stone. I bet they got them on a trip to China. You will have to check them out for me.

You All have a great day.

Mom & meme